About me

Hi, I’m axixca! a.k.a Angelica, I know it looks a lot more complicated than it is, but 16 year old me wanted to be interesting and I guess nothing's changed :). I’m a Graphic Designer and Multidisciplinary Artist from South London, specialising in vibrant, imaginative, very abstract and conceptual work.

Anyone who knows me well, would say I’m quite an introverted type of being. As someone with an anxiety disorder, I’ve battled with talking to people my whole life and tend to keep most of my thoughts to myself. I promise I know how to talk to people, it’s just harder for me than the average person. Because of this I've always used my work as a way to channel my thoughts, sharing parts of myself in it, in ways I find difficult to do through speech. This is probably the only time you would see me as extroverted! 

The universe of my work has a number of unorthodox and often strange worlds in it, but regardless of which world I choose to be in, in all my work I aim to help others smile or think or maybe learn, just depends on how I feel that morning x. 

Quick fire profile (tldr)

Name - Angelica (friends and family call me Martina)

Age - 22 

Inspirations - Mythology 

Fav colour - pink, purple and phthalo turquoise (can't pick one)